Returns & Refund Policy

When you buy directly from us, we want you to be 100% happy with your purchase experience. We hope you love everything you receive from us, but if you’re less than 100% satisfied, you may return or exchange any item(s) within 14 days after receipt of your purchase. We want to make it right for you, as quickly and easily as possible. Consider keeping the product as a gift and we will do what we can to allocate the correct item for you. Please contact customer service team member if your order is unsatisfactory or doesn’t suit your needs.

Please allow some time for us to receive and process your return. We will credit or refund the value of the items returned plus shipping and any taxes you were charged. Please contact Customer Service for more information regarding our return policies.

As soon as we receive your return we will refund the original form of payment for online and phone purchases. Credit card refunds should appear within 2 to 3 business days on your online statement after they are processed.
If we made an error on your order, or if your product is defective, please call or email 201-951-7745

Paint Roller Cleaner

Cleaning your paint rollers easy

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Spinout USA

951 Woodland Ave Oradell NJ 07649
Phone: 201-951-7745